Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Paid Surveys
My friend told me about the site where you can make money by just completing some surveys. I was very skeptical at first because I've tried so many paid surveys before and it was all scam. But never the less, I still tried the site and signed up. You can also earn $5 by just signing tiktikcash. Then I found out that it's not a scam type of paid surveys because you can see for yourself how much money you earn by clicking in your account status. You got nothing to lose because signing up is free and then all you have to do is participate to the surveys which they will offer to you. You can also earn money by reading emails coming from tiktikcash.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Super Bowl
The big game which is the Super Bowl will be on Sunday. So, are you one of those people who are planning to buy or rent a huge flat screen TV just to watch the game? Well, for sure millions or even billions of people will watch the game on Sunday. And I'm one of those..haha!!!
Monday, January 29, 2007
Prison Break
Yes!!! I'm excited to watch Prison Break tonight. I like watching Prison Break because the story is very interesting. Prison Break rules!!!
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Friday, January 26, 2007
Cute or Creepy?
Cross Stiching
I've started my cross stiching today. At first I was kinda pissed off because I didn't know what to do first. The pattern of what I'm doing is called "Sunrise". It's kinda like a farm house and then of course the sunrise early in the morning. It's really pretty actually. I can't wait to finish it so that I can frame it and I will put some pictures on my blog very soon.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Today, I'm very happy because I got the stuff that I wanted from the Philippines. My friend brought it for me. Well, he just went to the Philippines for a vacation and then I asked him to buy me something while he was there. Then finally today, he gave it to me. I asked him to buy me some flip flops, it's called "Islander". Funny isn't it? I asked him to buy me some flip flops to think that there are a lot of flip flops here. haha. Well, I just like it very much. The flip flops are really comfortable with your feet.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Net Surfing
Early this morning I was surfing the net on how you can send more traffic on your blogs and then I found different websites which are very interesting. I am kinda new with blogger and I really need more help so that everybody or if not everybody some people can read my blog. I found more interesting. Well, all I'm saying here is that net surfing is really good because it is very useful, not only to me but for everyone as well.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
How to Make Money Online
Today, I was so busy setting up different accounts on Blogger. Well, my husband basically told me to do so because he is working everyday on his office making websites. He told me to set up blogger accounts so that he can link my blog through his websites. Then he sent me the link about this video on how you can optimize your blog. It was very interesting. And after I saw the video, I said to myself " there are a lot of things you can do to make money online". That is if you are willling enough to learn and discover more. So, basically you can earn money online by blogging.
Monday, January 22, 2007
My Dream Ipod

I just wanted to let everyone know that I really like the Apple Ipod Video or any type of brand of Ipod as long as it has video. I can't wait to have it but I don't know if I can afford it right now because it is very expensive for me. How I wish I can have it so that I can play some games, download videos and listen to my favorite music. It is very awesome if you have Ipod with you if you are going somewhere. Like when you are on a plane or whatever.
Yes! I'm so happy today because me and my sister were able to talk. We haven't talked for a couple of days because we had a misunderstanding. The reason was, I asked her something and she refused to do it. It really hurt me so much to the point that I never called or even texted her. I used to always call and text her and when that happens I stopped calling and texting her. Well, finally we are okay. I said sorry to her and she did the same thing. I love my sister so much and I hope it won't happen again. I'm more understanding right now. So, again I'm really very happy right now.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Alpha Dog Movie Reviews
So today I was reading the reviews and critics about the movie "Alpha Dog", starring Justin Timberlake. The movie is based on the true story of Nicholas Markowitz, it's all about drug crimes in suburban areas. They were saying that the movie was annoying, irritating. And some says that you better just save your money . Well, for them to say those type of things, I'm like is the movie really that bad?. Well anyway, some critics said that Justin Timberlake did okay on the movie and of course others said he can't act and he is not an actor. Justin played "Frankie" a tattoed, rich kid, and a follower of Johnny Truelove. They said that his acting skills have improved greatly since the movie "Model Behavior", and even "Edison Force". I, myself wants to see this movie and see for myself if the movie is really that bad or not.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Tired and Hungry..
I just finished cleaning the house. I cleaned it today because it was very messy. Supposedly I always clean the house every Monday but I was so lazy to clean it on Monday and plus I wasn't feeling well that time because I had a cold. And right now I'm very tired and hungry as I type this blog. I didn't eat breakfast because when I woke up I decided to clean the house right away. At least I'm very happy that our house is very clean and smells good. I can't stand to stay and look at the house messy, it bothers me so much. So, right after writing this I will take a shower and then eat. After eating I will watch TV and then relax..hahaha..
Thursday, January 18, 2007
I Had A Bad Day...
Early this morning I received a message coming from the PayPerPost Staff saying that they rejected my blog. The reason was my blog wasn't long enough since the first time I had it. Saying that blogs must be at least 90 days old in order to participate. Also, a blog must have at least 20 pre-excisting posts. Oh well, I will just have to wait more days and update my blog everyday so that I could met all the requirements needed for me to participate. I will try my very best in order for them to accept my blog the next time I will submit it. I'm really kinda disappointed right now.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Remembering Good Friends... we the days goes by there are a lot of good and bad things I remember being with my friends when I was still in the Philippines. Most of those memories are good anyways, specially with my best friend. I remember that almost everyday we hang out with the rest of our friends. Our favorite place was "Tulay". We ate and got drunk over there. In fact we almost got killed by accident because my best friend was driving under the influence or kidding...I really miss my friends in the Philippines. I love them to death.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Golden Globe Awards Night
I was watching the Golden Globe last night, it was pretty good. You could see a lot of superstars. Some celebrities are with their partners, like girlfriend/boyfriend, husband/wife and some also with their moms. And I was surprised that Jennifer Hudson of Dreamgirls won the award for Best Supporting Actress, surprised because to think that the movie was her first appearance as an actress. Well, it shows only that she really is a good actress. When Jennifer went up on stage and got her award, she was crying because she was very happy and she really didn't expect that she will won and some other actors was on tears too because her speech was so touching. Babel won the Best Picture Awarsd. Best Actress, Drama was Helen Mirren for the movie "The Queen" and the Best Actor, Drama was Forest Whitetaker for the movie "The Last King of Scotland".
Monday, January 15, 2007
God is Stronger than our Trials...
This is what we should put in our mind, " God is Stronger than our Trials". There are many times that we almost seem to give up because of our sufferings, the trials , miseries, unfortunes, adversities that we encounter. We sometimes feel that all the bad things are happening to us. Those are normal feelings that all of us feels but please don't lose faith and hope. Talk and share to our Almighty God, let Him know what you feel. Trust Him above all. I'm sure He is more than willing to listen and help us. He is mightier than all those torments and sorrows....
Tum's Does Works for Stomach Ache
When I woke up today, my stomach really hurts. It was very painfull that I ended up going back to bed because it seems that if I moved or something I felt like I want to threw up. I didn't know what made my stomach really hurts maybe because of what I ate last night or something. Whatever it may be it was horrible. Then my husband asked me " what's wrong with you?'' then I told him that i had a stomach ache. Then that was the time that he gave me a tums. I took 2 tablets of tum. So about 20 minutes or so my stomach ache was gone. I was so very happy then.
Living with the Kumbai Premiere
I was watching the Premiere episode of the "Living with the Kumabai Tribe" in Travel Channel. I would say it was really good. You could actually compare how difficult living in the jungle and living in the cities. There are a lot of things that they don't have over in the jungle. They were hunting different kinds of animals just to survive, like rats, snakes, monkeys and many others. Well anyways, The Kumabai are among the world's last hunter-gatherers. They live in isolation from the rest of the globe, in precarious treehouses dotted throughout the jungle of West Papua. Their only tools are stone axes, they also have arrows. Their only clothes are grass skirts and bizarre penis gourds. They said that their are not too many Kumbai's left.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Counter Strike Game
I've been playing Counter Strike or CS for almost two years now. I really like the game because it's very challenging. It is a team-based game, team effort is very important in this kind of game. The game has been expanded into a series since it's original release, which currently includes Counter-Strike:Condition Zero and Counter-Strike:Source. By playing this game you could be either a counter-terrorists or a terrorists which of course with your teammates. You could won the game by completing an object or eliminating the opposing force. Well for me I like playing as a Counter-Terrorists rather than a Terrorists because I like to free some hostages. So basically it makes me feel good if I helped the hostages free by risking your own life just to protect and save them from danger in this game. Isn't it cool!?!
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Video Gamers Could Become A Better Surgeon
Wow! I was watching news today and I was amazed that they were saying that playing video games could become someone a better surgeon. True or False? What do you think? Anyway they interviewed one of the Surgeon in California who happens to be a video games fanatic. He said that "Yes! playing video games could become someone a better surgeon. I think because if you're playing a video games your using your brain and everything just to win the game. Just like if you are a surgeon of course you will think very carefully before doing something that could harm your patients, so if you think you will of course win, win by successfully operating your patients.
Florida's Weather
I live in Florida now for two years now. WoW!!! I really love the weather here. During winter season the weather is so amazing because it's not too cold nor too hot. You can even go to the beaches and swim there if you like. You can wear shorts compared to other States that you coudn't even go out without wearing cold clothes, coats those types of clothes you wear during winter season. See? isn't it amazing the weather here in Florida. And right now there are a lot of tourists coming from different States because they wanted to stay in Florida during Winter Season because they can't stand the coldness on where they live.
My Life and My Everything
Being with my husband and my step-daughter is so amazing. They are my life and my everything. I'm so happy that God gave me a super loving and caring husband. He treated me like a Princess. Eventhough sometimes as couples you cannot say that your relationship with your husband is perfect but still you love each other no matter what happens and that's what we are with my husband. Through thick and thin, sadness and happiness or whatever it may be we will be forever. I
And I have a step-daughter her name is Andrea Taylor. She is so amazing and I love her to death. Sometimes she's very nice and sometimes she's very mean too. But it still I love her.
And I have a step-daughter her name is Andrea Taylor. She is so amazing and I love her to death. Sometimes she's very nice and sometimes she's very mean too. But it still I love her.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Wii Steals PS3's Sales on the Market

Nintendo Wii Systems are really showing that they are the best console games over PS3's. The demands of the games are really really high. In fact by the end of November Wii had reportedly sold more than 600,000 Wii units and that is approximately twice the number of consoles that PS3 has sold in the same period. Now we cannot jump into conclusions as the fact that by the time PS3 will deliver all it's orders by say the end of this month January the number of units sold might well be very much closer to what Nintendo has sold but as far as the initial sales are concerned Wii is truly leading when it comes to online games industry. I think most of the teenagers and others who likes playing video games likes Wii over PS3. In fact my step-daughter can't really wait for the Wii to be available on stores and so with her friends. So it's really showing that Wii is really more in demand right now. So what do you think?
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